America the Right Way -Staying Vigilant –December 24, 2018- December 28, 2018 Remember 9/11


For the day before Christmas, there is some significant news.

Jim Mattis  will leave the Defense Dept. at the end of the year, when his replacement, the Deputy Sec Def takes over as Acting Secretary. His name is Patrick Shanahan.

Democrats are trying to shut down a private funding effort of the Border Wall.

And the partial government shutdown continues.

Did you know a bio pic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is opening Christmas Day? “On the basis of Sex” is the title.

Update on RBG’s Surgery

Merry, Merry Christmas We’re All Gonna Die – Again

Pitching Prospect Surprises Parents with Christmas Gift

The Nativity Story isn’t about Refugees

The Dems spent 385 million more than the GOP in the Midterms

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46 Responses to America the Right Way -Staying Vigilant –December 24, 2018- December 28, 2018 Remember 9/11

  1. Molly Pitcher says:

    A news report states that Sears may be “in its last 24 hours” of business.
    Penneys is the department store I remember from childhood. I don’t think we had a Sears in the town where did most of our shopping…then in Galveston, there were a couple of local department stores we went to a lot.

    • The Raven says:

      The Sear’s near us was like a ghost town last time I was in it. I get my tools (Craftsman) at Sears and I should probably grab my wish list tools soon as our local Sears is on the list of closing stores.

      Every year, every page of the Sear’s Christmas Gift catalog was thoroughly examined by the youthful Raven. I think I saved the last one somewhere.

  2. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  3. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

    • Jemian says:

      Good morning!

      Don Richardson, author of Peace Child and Lords of the Earth passed away on Sunday. His work was used in my life to inspire me to what I do today.

    • lysie says:

      Morning, Jem.

      Sorry to hear that.

    • The Raven says:

      I was watching the morning TV and even FOX is nothing but victims and malcontents. Non-stop. I changed channels and there was a 10 minute piece on the ref cutting the wrestler’s hair. I changed again and it was the government shutdown and the parks (the reporter was taken aback because people were using the park without the rangers and didn’t notice a difference).

    • lysie says:

      That’s why I read the news. I don’t need news that is editorialized.

      For the past few weeks on Hulu I’ve been watching old sitcoms…I Love Lucy for one. 😉

    • Molly Pitcher says:

      Good afternoon everyone.
      I read the news too, but lately the Fox site has even been too much. There is occasionally an uplifting story like the ones I have recently posted links to, but too often the Fox pieces are pretty depressing and sensational leaning stuff. UGH!

  4. Molly Pitcher says:

    WOAH! President and Mrs Trump made surprise visit to our troops in Iraq, and the market looks to have had a very good day. Up almost 1000 points??!

  5. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  6. edinva says:

    Merry Christmas, everyone … end of a long, lovely, peaceful day. Spoke to all family in Europe. Son living in VA came over, but dear hub was not well enough to go out so we had to cancel plans for the nice Chinese restaurant, but son picked up Chinese carry out and that will have to suffice. All in all, a lovely, calm day. Hope all of your days were all you would wish for.

    • Molly Pitcher says:

      Am so sorry your husband wasnt’ feeling well, ED. Ours was quiet too. We skypped with everyone, and i cooked a small fresh turkey…listened to lovely Christmas music all day, and watched a Christmas Hallmark movie last night.

    • edinva says:

      Thanks, Molly … managed to get DH an appt with an associate of our regular doc who, naturally, has taken the week off. He has two young sons, so his Christmas has to be very special. So we go this afternoon to see said associate and I hope they can get to the bottom of this … son suggests going into the hospital to be monitored for 5 days to a week. I’ve upped the “Boost” so he gets adequate nutrition but the weight loss is a concern … it’s just a whole host of issues with him now. In one year he went from a fairly rigorous 75 y/o to a frail 95. Life does have its twists and turns, but I believe it’s all in the Lord’s hands and will do whatever needs to be done within my (limited) capabilities.

    • lysie says:

      My prayers are with you, your husband and family , ed.

    • Molly Pitcher says:

      I sure hope you get some answers soon! Take care of yourself too. Am keeping you two in my prayers as you struggle thru this, ED.

  7. lysie says:

    Merry Christmas everyone. Good morning.

  8. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone. Thanks for the new thread, Molly. Thanks Rav for your posts, too.

  9. The Raven says:

    Morning quote from Barry Latzer, WSJ:

    The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that of inmates released in 2016 from state prisons in 44 states, the median murderer had served 13.4 years in prison. The median for those convicted of any violent crime—murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery or assault—was 2.4 years. The average time served is higher than the median—4.7 years—but the average is skewed upward by a small number of unusually long imprisonments.

    [The article predicts a tsunami of crime when the above are reduced further by the recent crime bill. The short punishments for even serious crimes lessens the deterrent]

    The risk in the second step of criminal-justice reform is that it goes too far. The justice system, flawed though it is, provides incentives to desist from crime. The weaker it gets, the greater the risk of a significant crime increase. That happened in the late 1960s: When the crime tsunami began, the system caved in. Police arrested fewer offenders, and courts imposed fewer and lighter punishments. That contributed to the 20th century’s worst sustained violent-crime wave.

    In a sign of the times, my neighbor was rear ended by a teenager (texting while driving). By some crazy law, the police couldn’t talk to the teenager and had to call her mother to the scene. The police then conversed only with the mother.

  10. The Raven says:

    Ho Ho Ho – Misc. this and that’s

    — I was reading in Consumer Reports that the Instant Pot has their highest ever positive user feedback. I still don’t know what I’d do with it other than maybe using it as a pressure cooker.

    — The Supreme Court may have their first ever sealed decision

    — One of my college fraternity brothers tracked me down yesterday and filled me in on what’s been going the last 40 years since (as he put it) I entered the witness protection program. At least that’s what they all thought.

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