America the Right Way -Staying Vigilant –June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 Remember 9/11

Welcome to the new monthly thread.

In spite of the court decision President Trump continues to hit the campaign trail. His supporters have donated nearly $53 million over 24 hours.

Praying the supreme court ends this political prosecution.

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57 Responses to America the Right Way -Staying Vigilant –June 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 Remember 9/11

  1. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  2. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  3. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

    Jem, good to have you back. I understand the reason for you not being here. We all have things that must come first.

    Jem, cute video. Love those pups.

    • Jemian says:

      There have been just a few videos of those pups that I didn’t enjoy. But overall, the story is so nice. I need nice in this world.

      I guess I’ve reached an age when many long-term friends are dying. About three or four weeks ago, a friend who was on our prayer advisory team when the ministry started died from brain cancer. On Friday, I learned another man who has been very supportive of us and has taught and encouraged us since the mid-1980s has now developed liver, pancreatic, and lung cancer.

      I am not so naive to not realize this is going to happen. I just miss these people when they’re gone.

  4. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  5. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

    Our power kept going off and on last night due to t-storms.

  6. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  7. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  8. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  9. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  10. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  11. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  12. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone. Happy Father’s Day.

  13. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  14. lysie says:

    Good mornng everyone. Oh, Jem. My prayers are with you.

    • Jemian says:

      I made my writing deadline. Yay! Mentally, it came earlier this week. Overseas, it is due about 11pm on Thursdays, here it is due 8AM Thursdays. The deadline doesn’t change, just my timezones. But, I’m used to thinking, “I have all day Thursday to edit and revise.” Makes a difference!

      I did get an almost 800 word column out of it. The editors said they were laughing at my discomfort, which is what I intended. They also loved my zinger at the end.

      Miscellaneous: my luggage is not here yet. I’m prepping in my head to not ever getting it. My lib sister and her ultra-lib husband are (they are staying at my dad’s house). He posts on the Dem Underground. They also have contributed substantially to the Southern Poverty Law Center. I laugh when I think of that.

  15. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  16. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

    • lysie says:

      Aaron Judge hit his 25 HR last night. It was about 436 feet.

    • Jemian says:

      I landed yesterday. It was the flight from hell. I made the flight out of Singapore with one minute to spare. I made the flight. My luggage didn’t.

      Went to the doctor today. Had blood drawn. I have a huge hematoma on the back of my right hand. It will be technicolor tomorrow.

      I am jet-lagged but I have a writing deadline of 8AM tomorrow. At least my circadian rhythms haven’t changed hemispheres.

      I thought the cicadas were to be out now. Did I miss them?

  17. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  18. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  19. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  20. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  21. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  22. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  23. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  24. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  25. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  26. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

  27. lysie says:

    Good morning everyone.

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